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Municipal Institution of Higher Education «Khortytsia National Educational and Rehabilitational Academy» of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council

From the ancient times the island of Khortytsia was one of the spiritual centers of Ukraine, a source of the Ukrainian national culture and a symbol of free life. In the glorious times of the Cossacks Khortytsia became one of the centers of development of Zaporozhian Sich – the place of unity of the Ukrainian people in their difficult struggle for independence…

Today the island of Khortytsia is recognized as one of the seven wonders of Ukraine, it is the place where foreign and domestic tourists usually start getting acquainted with Zaporizhzhia region. Therefore, all those who are involved in the further development of Khortytsia as an international brand and participate in enriching its natural and cultural treasures remain committed to the eternal values of creativity, national identity as well as the constant striving of the Ukrainian people to new intellectual and spiritual achievements. For many years these guidelines have inspired the staff of the Khortytsia National Academy to work creatively and selflessly, to develop and experimentally test innovations in remedial pedagogy and inclusive education, to build the open educational and rehabilitation space in Zaporizhzhia region.

Khortytsia National Academy is the only educational and research complex of higher learning of rehabilitation profile in Ukraine. It conducts innovative educational activities providing higher education at the first and second levels in one or more fields of knowledge, it can also provide training at the third and highest scientific levels of higher education, conducts basic and applied research. The Academy is a leading scientific and methodological center for comprehensive (physical, social, psychological and pedagogical) rehabilitation, social integration and development of life skills of people with special educational needs from the first year of life to higher education, it has a developed infrastructure of educational, scientific and production units, promotes the dissemination of scientific knowledge and conducts cultural and educational activities.

Successful implementation of educational and rehabilitation functions in the institution is ensured by the coordinated work of structural units of the Khortytsia National Academy: Faculty of Rehabilitation Pedagogy and Social Work, Faculty of Art and Design, Pedagogical Professional College, Scientific Lyceum, Sanatorium School with preschool groups, Center for Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities.

At the Faculty of Rehabilitation Pedagogy and Social Work students receive higher education in the following specialties:

“Special education”;

“Physical therapy, occupational therapy”;

“Primary education”;

“Social work”;


“Physical culture and sports”.

The Faculty of Art and Design trains qualified specialists in the following specialties:


“Fine arts, decorative arts, restoration”;




The structure of the academy includes 8 departments, where the educational process is provided by 12 Doctors of Sciences, Professors and 60 Candidates of Sciences (Ph. D.), Associate Professors. 1549 applicants for professional higher and higher education study at the institution.

The Rector of the Academy is Valentyna Nechyporenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Teacher of Ukraine, Distinguished Educator of Ukraine, full dame of the Order of Princess Olga, full dame of the Order “For Services to the Zaporizhzhia Region”, laureate of the Prize of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Graduates of the Khortytsia National Academy currently work in secondary schools, educational and rehabilitation centers, preschool and extracurricular institutions, education departments, higher learning establishments in all the regions of Ukraine. Among them there are Candidates and Doctors of Sciences, Associate Professors and Professors. The graduates of the Academy also work in the structures of public authorities and local self-government, are deputies at various levels, heads of state institutions and public organizations. This testifies to the important role of the Khortytsia National Academy in the public life of Ukraine, in the innovative processes of reforming the system of education and science of the country.

Over the past 5 years the staff of the Khortytsia National Academy has achieved impressive results in research and innovation. Due to the establishment of effective mechanisms of interaction between the administration and the academic community, active involvement of talented youth in innovative activities of the Khortytsia National Academy under the leadership of authoritative scientists the following scientific schools were established and successfully operate: Ukrainian Scientific School of Pedagogy and Psychology of Life Creativity (headed by Professor V. Nechyporenko), Ukrainian Scientific School of Theory and Methods of Using Educational Problems (headed by Professor A. Pavlenko), Ukrainian Scientific School of Physical Rehabilitation Methodology (headed by Professors S. Volkova and T. Odynets). Prospects for scientific and educational synergy are offered by the cooperation of scientific schools of Khortytsia National Academy with the Ukrainian Scientific School of Archetypes (headed by Professors E. Afonin, O. Donchenko and A. Martynov) and other domestic and foreign partners.

The priorities of the Academy’s development comprise further internationalization of its activities. 22 cooperation agreements have been signed between the Khortytsia National Academy and foreign universities (Poland, Italy, Georgia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Turkey, etc.). Students of the Khortytsia National Academy have been successfully participating in professionally oriented educational and cultural practical trainings in Bulgaria and Turkey for the last 5 years, and in the summer of 2021 they started professionally oriented practical training in Italy. With its high scientific-innovative and socio-cultural potential the Khortytsia National Academy is ready to start fruitful cooperation with French universities, especially with Sorbonne University and Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University; the prospects of cooperation with them are outlined in the project memoranda.

Over the last 5 years 8 scientific and practical conferences have been held on the basis of the Khortytsia National Academy, of which 5 involved international participants and 3 were conducted at the national level. According to the results of participation in international educational competitions the Khortytsia National Academy was awarded 8 gold medals and 7 diplomas of the winner.

The institution successfully fulfills its innovative activity as an information and resource center on the problems of complex rehabilitation, development of life skills and inclusive education for school and higher education students with disabilities. The institution publishes a periodical “Scientific Journal of the Khortytsia National Academy”, which is included by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the list of professional scientific publications of Ukraine and indexed in international scientific databases (Index Copernicus, etc.).

In order to fulfill the instructions of Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration and Zaporizhzhia Regional Council, the priority task of the Khortytsia National Academy for 2021-2026 is to develop in its structure the technology park “National Rehabilitation Hub”. It will increase the efficiency of the Khortytsia National Academy’s functional role of a leading resource and methodological center in the educational and rehabilitation space of Zaporizhzhia region and Ukraine providing comprehensive rehabilitation for various categories of people with disabilities as well as study and transfer of foreign innovative experience, experimental testing and examination of modern educational and rehabilitation technologies.


Address: 69017, Zaporizhzhia, Naukovogo Mistechka, 59

Тel.: (061) 283-20-01

Fax: (061) 283-20-01

E-mail: info@khnnra.zp.ua

Http:// khnnra.edu.ua